ADMIRALTY NP247(2): Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners Part 2
Updates to Sailing Directions and Miscellaneous Nautical Publications
To supplement Weekly NMs, the UKHO produces an Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners (NP247). This publication contains the Annual Statutory Notices to Mariners Numbers 1-26, a summary of Temporary and Preliminary Notices to Mariners still in force at the start of the year, and a Cumulative Summary of Amendments to ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions.
The ADMIRALTY NP247(2), Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners Part 2, contains the text of all updates to current editions of ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions and Miscellaneous Nautical Publications which have been published in Sections IV and VII of ADMIRALTY of Notices to Mariners, and which remain in force on 31 December 2019 (Week 52/19).
Publication Code: NP247(2)
Publication Edition Number or Year: 2024
Publication Author: UK Hydrographic Office
Publisher Name: ADMIRALTY