Clarksons: Jack-Up Moving (Oilfield Seamanship Series – Volume 2)
A comprehensive text on the operation of jack-up barges when afloat, positioning and being moved between work sites. It is primarily for use by Barge Engineers, Barge Masters, Tow Masters and Marine Superintendents operating such vessels and can also be used by Warranty Surveyors, Marine Advisors and others utilising these unique craft. Part 2 describes the use of tugs when positioning jack-ups in a wide variety of circumstances.
The Oilfield Seamanship series describes and explains the majority of standard techniques used in marine operations of the offshore oilfield. The series concentrates on Towing. Anchor Handling, Barge Mooring and Moving, the Operation of Jack-Up type vessels afloat, the practice of stability control on semi-submersibles and ballast control techniques on such vessels. The series of books are organised such that particular volumes are relevant to personnel on specific vessel types.
Publication Code: GP57
Publication Edition Number or Year: 1994
Publication Author: Michael Hancox
Publisher Name: Clarkson Research Services Limited
Updated in last two months: No