Witherby: Clean Seas Guide for Oil Tankers
This publication describes the methods for retaining oil residues on board, to help shipboard personnel comply with the oil discharge limits in MARPOL Annex 1. It offers practical assistance to owners and operators of oil tankers, oil tanker crew, governments, Port Authorities, terminal operators, cargo shippers and cargo receivers.
The clean seas programme was introduced by the shipping industry to restrict the operational discharge of oil into the sea. This Guide focuses on the necessary procedures for separating and retaining the oily mixtures resulting from ballasting and tank cleaning operations. OCIMF and ICS highly recommend use of this Guide.
Tankers must meet MARPOL 73/78 requirements, whether voyages are short haul or coastal. The 1973 MARPOL convention, as amended by its 1978 Protocol, is the international instrument controlling pollution from ships. Annex 1 of the convention, which contains regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil, came into effect in October 1983.
Publication Code: GP48
Publication Edition Number or Year: 1994
Publication Edition Date: 4th Edition
Publisher Name: Witherby Publishing Group
Updated in last two months: No