Witherby: Passage Planning Guide
Passage Planning Guide - Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait (PPG – GBRTS 2021 Edition)
This publication is designed to be used as part of the ship's pre-entry procedures and as a tool for refreshing the bridge team each time the ship is planning a passage through the GBRTS. An improved presentation of pull-out chartlets allow the book to be used in real time, giving the navigator an overview that can be lost on ships where the primary means of navigation is ECDIS. Updated traffic information and case studies based on accident reports are effective in illustrating best navigational procedures.
This publication has been revised to incorporate the latest guidance and practical advice for ships transiting the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait. It offers additional clarity on subjects such as maximum draught and UKC requirements and Australian MARPOL areas. This is a reliable resource for any crew navigating the region.
Publication Code: GP232
Publication Subtitle: Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait (PPG - GBRTS)
Publication Edition Number or Year: 2021
Publication Author: Maritime Industry Australia Limited (Supported by Australian Reef Pilots)
Publisher Name: Witherby Publishing Group
Updated in last two months: No