Witherby: Single Point Mooring
Maintenance and Operations Guide (SMOG)
Single Point Mooring Maintenance and Operations Guide (SMOG) is an industry guide with technical recommendations and guidance for the operation and maintenance of single point moorings (SPM).
The third edition of SMOG now incorporates, and updates, the following:
- Guidelines for the Handling, Storage, Inspection and Testing of Hoses in the Field
- the Single Point Mooring Hose Ancillary Equipment Guide
- Single Point Mooring Maintenance and Operations Guide, 2nd Edition.
SMOG is an industry guide with technical recommendations and guidance for the operation and maintenance of single point moorings (SPM). The guide builds on previous recommendations and the new or significantly changed topics that are included in this edition include:
- Design of SPM systems.
- Operation of SPM’s including:
- Operating environmental limits.
- Guidance to ensure hoses are lifted safely within tanker crane capacity.
- Guidance and actions regarding ship/shore cargo quantity comparison.
- Qualification and training of personnel including Mooring Master skills and competence.
- Water flushing at SPM’s.
- The use of hoses, including:
- Storage, handling and hose string assembly.
- Hose time in service data from terminals.
- Specific guidance following overpressure.
- Hose inspection and testing.
- Information regarding marine breakaway couplings.
- Support vessels and the use of tugs.
- Specific SPM Health, Safety, Security and the Environment (HSSE) guidance.
Publication Code: GP159
Publication Edition Number or Year: 2015
Publication Edition Date: 3rd Edition
Publication Author: Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF)
Publisher Name: Witherby Publishing Group
Updated in last two months: No